A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager

A Typical Day for a Social Media Manager

This week officially marks two years since the first pandemic lockdown orders in the United States. There's no doubt that those two years have irrevocably changed the way we work in many ways - including a huge rise in freelancing and a massive shift in where we live. This week, we spoke with one freelancer who has really embraced those changes and all while working in one of the most fluctuating roles in the marketing and creative worlds: social media.

Artisan Talent: Hi! Tell us who you are and what you’re currently doing for a living?

Hi there! My name is Margot Douraghy and I’m the Director of Talent at an Influencer Marketing Agency as well as a freelance Social Media Manager on the side. I started my career four years ago in social media, and it has been an amazingly wild ride! I am from Chicago, but two years ago (one month before the pandemic) I made the move across the country to live in Los Angeles, CA. 

Artisan: Give us some context on how you ended up at this place in your career.

MD: I have a degree in Integrated Marketing Communications and have always had a fascination with social media. I’ve loved curating feeds and showcasing my own personal life in little squares on Instagram. Once I figured out that you could make money with social media by adding a strategy behind it, I was hooked! 

Through living in LA, I started out with a few clients and that quickly grew. Throughout the two years, I had an array of clients—a cold-pressed juice company, a CBD muscle relief cream, a liquor store on Sunset Blvd, a CBD sheet mask, a high-end gym, and more. Last June, I was offered a position as a creator manager for a supplement brand and that is where I fell into the role of Director of Talent and found my new love of influencer marketing. It is a role that I had known nothing about, but have been able to learn so much in the past 10 months. It is such a fast-paced, booming, and ever-changing industry. Every month we are navigating how to be the best ones out there. 

Artisan: How do you typically start your day to get set up for success?

MD: I start my mornings by JUMPING out of bed on my first alarm, haha! I know it sounds crazy, but my brother taught me this trick because otherwise you know I’m hitting snooze another 15 times/for another 30 minutes. I usually like to take a morning walk around the neighborhood. I also love playing the game where I look up all the fancy houses on Zillow. I started this during COVID and haven’t looked back since. Starting my day with a walk always wakes me up, even on the days when I don’t want to do it. My morning walks truly bring me so much joy and really help me start my day off on the right foot. They clear my mind and allow me to set my intentions for the day. Then I come back, get some much-needed coffee into my system and start planning my to-do list for the day. I start by checking all of my emails and then deep dive into crossing things off of my list! 

Artisan: What are the elements of your day that bring you joy? What about career satisfaction?

MD: From a Social Media Management standpoint, I absolutely love bringing a brand to life through social media and truly engulfing that brand's voice. I enjoy keeping an eye on popular influencers and brands, what content is working (and not working) and how to apply that to your social media strategy. It’s thrilling to know that you could truly impact your followers and be the educational and inspirational voice that they listen to and follow. 

I love getting creative and having the power to humanize the brand as well as create a beautiful story behind it. Storytelling and how you showcase a brand on social media can make or break the brand. It gives me the utmost satisfaction to see how my work has impacted a brand and the community that follows it. I love helping people and to see the brand grow and have people engage with the brand, is one of those parts. 

Artisan: Social Media is changing so fast. What are your tips for keeping on top of it?

MD: I think the best way to keep on top of social media is to be an active part of it. I remember when TikTok came out and I thought I would never be able to understand the platform, but you learn by doing! So get out there, be a part of the conversation and experiment. Have fun with it!

Artisan: What’s the biggest challenge you encounter as a Social Media Manager?

MD: I think one of the biggest challenges I encounter as a Social Media Manager is setting boundaries. Since the pandemic and working from home, it seems that everyone feels that you should be available 24/7. This has been one of the biggest challenges I have had to deal with, and I implore you to set boundaries in the beginning. That way there are no questions down the road! 

Make sure you establish working hours. Let your clients know that the work week is from Monday through Friday, and doesn’t continue on through the weekend. Be transparent with when you will get things to them for approval and be sure to establish ONE channel for communication. Remember that your mental health matters, too, and the last thing you would want is to become burnt out. (Read our blog on burnout here.)

Artisan: What advice would you give to people who are pondering this career path?

MD: Go in with an OPEN—and I mean open—mind. Never in a million years would I think my career would be in social media and influencer marketing. Be an expert on your social channels, understand the most effective use of each channel and be sure to set goals for each one. Learn as much as you can, take classes offered by your favorite Social Media Manager thought leaders. You can learn so much from others and they share tips and tricks that you might not have caught before. Join their community groups and be a part of the conversation! If you get in with the right community. The people in it are about community over competition and are there to support your wins and your losses, it’s nice to communicate with others going through the same thing you are on a daily basis. Get ramped up on social trends! You’ll want to keep up with the pace of the industry, so be innovative. And lastly, stay creative in everything you do! 

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