
The Best Questions to Ask During Your Interview

Written by Artisan | May 28, 2024 1:41:19 PM

So you’re prepping for an upcoming interview? You know you need to ask questions about the company and culture at the end. What you might forget in all your excitement is that you are interviewing the company just as much as they are interviewing you! We’ve created a list of questions to ask during or at the end of interviews so you can evaluate each company and decide which job is best for you.

Here are questions you can ask to know more about…

The Role

  • What are the biggest challenges that I might face in this role?

First of all, phrase all of your questions as if you already have the role. It might seem like a psychological trick, but it's a powerful way to get your interviewer to visualize you on the team. No diving into this specific question, it's great because, after the interviewer presents the challenges, you can turn around and tell them how you would solve those challenges. You’ll also understand what you might be up against and whether or not these issues feel like something you’d be willing to face every day

  • Can you share the most recent successful project and what made it successful?

By asking this question, you’ll get a sense of the type of projects you’ll be expected to work on as well as the caliber of the projects. Notice whether or not you feel excited about their projects, too. If they aren’t excited about their work or can point out what was successful, it could mean that the team’s work is more monotonous than goal-driven. 

  • How much creative experimentation would you say this role includes?

This question will help anyone to understand what will be expected of them creatively. It also shows that you value creativity and are looking for ways to take their projects to the next level. Just remember that, if you are in a junior role, you will need to accept less creative control early in your career than if you are applying for a senior role. 

Growth at the Company

  • What are your current and future goals for this team? How would I contribute to those goals?

This group of questions will help you assess the longevity of the role and help you see yourself in the company’s big-picture thinking. If you get the sense that the interviewer isn’t sure or that the answer is short, it might be a red flag that the job is not as stable or appreciated for the long haul.

  • How often do performance reviews take place? How is success measured for this role during those reviews? Any KPIs I would be measured by?

These questions will help you gauge how often you’ll be assessed and given the opportunity to ask for raises or advancements. You’ll also get a sense of what will be expected of you year after year, helping you see the future of the role in the company.

The Pay and Benefits

  • What would my typical schedule look like in this role and is there flexibility built in?
    This is a polite way of asking about work/life balance. If the job description leaves out that night and weekend work is possible in this role, you’ll want to ask this type of question after the interview. Take note of whether or not a person works beyond what’s expected—it could mean that the company’s or the person’s boundaries are being blurred. Depending on your working style and boundaries, this could be a red flag.
  • What are some of the benefits you offer that employees find most valuable?

This is a roundabout way of asking about the total benefits package. You’ll also get to hear what others enjoy, making it a well-rounded answer versus just an answer from the interviewer’s point of view.

  • How does the company ensure pay remains competitive for their employees in this industry?

This question will help you understand more about how their salaries are calculated while also asking about future salary adjustment possibilities. If the company doesn’t consider raising salaries to stay competitive, that’s another thing to pay attention to! You want to know that the company works continuously to keep employees happy just as employees work toward the company’s goals.

The Management Style

  • Can you describe the management style of the team?
    Yes, it’s a direct question, but the answer will show you whether or not the management has carefully considered how they operate. If they can describe how they run and support their team, that’s a great sign for anyone reporting to them.
  • How often would I receive support from management? What types of feedback would this person receive?

The answer to these questions will help you envision whether or not the management is hands-off or fully present in their support. Depending on what type of management you’re looking for, you’ll know right away whether or not you’ll hit it off with the leadership style of this company.

The Culture

  • Which of the company’s values are most visible in your company culture?

In your research, you would have already come to know what the company values most (it will be on their “About Us” or “Careers” pages). This question helps you understand what these values look like in practice—and whether or not their values are felt by the people who work there. 

  • How would you describe the company culture here?

This question will help you gauge what type of cultural fit they are looking for and will give you an opening to explain how well you would fit. We’ve covered the four types of company culture in another blog to help you see where you might fit best. Keep in mind that this question is subjective, so it’s great if you ask different people to get a more well-rounded response. 

Asking questions during or at the end of interviews is extremely important for candidates. But you also want to gauge what’s most important to you in choosing your next job. You don't have to ask all of these questions—and in fact, you can always ask Chat GPT or research trusted blogs for ways to ask highly specific questions during interviews. Just be prepared with a long list of questions. They show you are highly interested, curious, and offer a way to showcase how you would fit at their company.

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