
Things Staffing Companies Are Thankful For

Written by Artisan | Nov 24, 2015 9:00:50 AM
As the time of year for reflection and thankfulness comes, we wanted to remind everyone how thankful we are for our clients, talent, friends, family, and coworkers. What else might staffing companies and talent agencies be thankful for? Here's some of our favorite things.

Staffing Companies are thankful for...

  • Eager Talent
    You can never know too many people or have a folder of talent big enough! We're thankful everyday talented UX Designers, Art Directors, Developers, and more trust us to help find them the career or temporary job they're looking for. Talent that sends thank you notes, always emails back, and is generally eager for the next opportunity - we're even more thankful for!

  • Keyword Rich Resumes
    ...and we're not talking about sneaky tiny letters in an all white font at the bottom of the resume (we're on to you). Recruiters are thankful for full, robust resumes that include relevant keywords and skills for the job you're applying for. We love when Graphic Designers include Photoshop, InDesign, and other software they rock at or Social Media Managers list their love of Sprout Social and MailChimp. Whether program, skill set, or experience, using rich keywords on your resume helps us place the right talent in the right job as soon as possible. (Not sure how to get started? Try these 23 Resume Tips.)

  • Best of Staffing Awards
    We're as modest as the next guy (okay, maybe not), but we do love getting shout outs for doing our jobs well! Awards like Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Client and Talent Awards helps us know we're making talent and clients happy, and you know you're working with a company that will exceed your expectations. We're proud to have won the coveted Diamond Award — for five year's of consecutive wins in both categories. 

  •  Flexible Clients
    Some positions need to be filled ASAP, but we're always thankful when clients give us the time to find them a perfect match!

  • Polished Online Portfolios
    When it comes to placing creative talent a portfolio is a must...but a well put together, well thought out, polished portfolio is the best gift to give. It helps us see instantly what type of work talent is capable of and how we can best match them with a company or client. In fact, we love them so much that we often show off our favorites at staff meetings! Need help getting your portfolio started? Read our blog on Creating an Effective Job Skills Portfolio or check out these 4 tools.

  • Networking Opportunities
    Heading to events like AIGA Small Talks, IxDA Holiday Parties, or Creative Mornings not only help keep our networking skills sharp, but they also encourage creativity and increase connections. We're thankful to be able to sponsor great events like these across the country, but especially in Chicago and Indianapolis.

  • LinkedIn Connections
    We're always looking for new companies and clients to help as well as great new talent. Even if you're not looking for a position right at this moment, Recruiters will reach out to you and are more than thankful when you accept their connection.

What are YOU thankful for this holiday season?

Snap a photo and post it on Instagram or tweet to us! We'd love to know.