5 Effective Ways to Overcome Frustration and Boost Productivity

How to Stay Proactive Through Tough Times

We’re not going to sugar-coat it: times are tough right now for creatives and they have been for a little while. Recruiters and hiring managers are struggling to find talent within their budget and who possess in-demand skills. Even if you’re perfect for the job, you’ll likely face stiff competition from your peers. What’s more, many jobs are contract positions right now (thanks to lower budgets), making full-time work seem unavailable to most job seekers. But you’re familiar with all of this, or you wouldn’t be here, reading this article. Instead of wallowing or becoming frustrated with the current state of the creative market, we have five proactive ways you can change your mood while transforming your circumstances.

1. Reconnect with people you miss

They can be old coworkers, friends, mentors—anyone who reminds you to take stock in the things that matter, makes you laugh, or offers great conversation. It’s fine to have a phone or video chat, but getting together in person is even better. Physical communication, like body language and reactions like smiling, reinforce your connection to one another. So get in touch with someone, organize a meeting, and strengthen your relationships.

2. Attend a meetup around something you love

Just like reconnecting with old coworkers or friends, reconnecting with a favorite pastime can remind you how to have fun. Rock climbing, painting, gaming, birding, drawing, biking, acting—whatever your “thing” is, you’re bound to find plenty of other people in your neighborhood who want to do the same thing. Find your people on Meetup or through another social media site and commit to attending at least three meetings. You never know who you’ll meet or how it can transform your mood (or your career).

3. Exercise in your favorite way

…or try something new! There are so many YouTube videos out there for free that allow you to try dance, Zumba, yoga, pilates, barre—you name it! Even just walks around your neighborhood are great. Endorphins and vitamin D are the key to pulling you regularly out of a rut, helping you to reconnect with your body. Bonus points if you exercise with or around other people. Once again, we’re meant to be in community, so try to pull yourself out of isolation and into a place where your body is moving with others.

4. Don’t neglect personal projects

You know those things that you do that refill your cup? They can also amount to the type of personal projects that puff up your pride and make great portfolio pieces. These personal projects will distill your creative anxiety, remind you of your talent, and teach you something new through solving creative challenges. Some of these personal projects may even become lucrative, offering you a chance at some side income. Consider this blog for more ideas on monetizing your talents.

5. Collaborate with someone you admire

Collaboration is one of the best ways to create community while celebrating one another’s gifts. Maybe you’re a writer and they’re a book cover artist, or they design product packaging and you’ve developed a great product. The point is that you can learn from one another while building creative relationships. These types of relationships can often help both your careers, introducing you to new networks, and maybe even creating a lifelong collaboration that brings in some money. You never know where it will go, though, unless you make the first move and reach out. 

You might be thinking: wait, all of this advice won’t help me get a new job! But take a closer look and you’ll recognize that these fun activities broaden your network, improve your social skills, and teach you new things. These are the three basic tenets of changing your job prospects and circumstances. If you focus on doing one of these things every day, you’ll notice a change in your mood, interests, and relationships. At the very least, they serve as a reminder that living, doing things you love, and being in community are important for your well-being. In between your meetings with friends and exercising, you’ll likely feel a boost of energy to apply for a few jobs that pique your interest. If that’s you, we at Artisan have a running list of open jobs with clients who can’t wait to meet you. 

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