
7 Ways Being Polite Can Land a Job

Written by Artisan | Feb 17, 2013 11:00:00 PM

In today’s frenetic tech-based society, sometimes all it takes to stand out from the crowd of fellow job seekers is the human touch. 

If you’re like most Americans, you believe that being rude is the new normal. A survey by the Associated Press NORC Center for Public Affairs Research showed that 74% of Americans believe the behavior of our citizens is on the decline. Unfortunately, this decline in our collective behavior extends from the workplace and into all facets of our life.
Having the etiquette and manners to say “Please” and “Thank you” are certainly important. But the American Psychological Association (APA) suggests that incivility can actually increase the rude person’s aggression and anger, worsening their mood, in addition to your own.
Being polite is a social construct that goes beyond simple courtesy to embrace being kind and compassionate to the people we come into contact with every day.

Can Being Polite Get You a Job?

What you may not realize is that being polite can actually increase your chances of finding and getting a new job. These Two Behaviors Can Reap Big Job Search Dividends! National Public Radio (NPR) reports that 70 to 80% of all the new jobs available never even make it online. This means that sending out dozens of resumes may not yield the best ROI for your job search anymore.
We’ve found that networking remains the best way to further progress toward the next gig or full-time job. But what does networking have to do with being polite? It’s simple; networking is about taking the energy to connect with people. It’s a social dynamic that’s really kind of a lost art these days — we’re often too busy looking at our digital devices to connect with people face-to-face.
Forgot how to do it? Read on...

The Top Two Ways to Network

Tip #1: Networking starts by starting a conversation.
If you attend a social event, it will be tempting to look at your cellphone; but try not to. Cellphones can create an artificial bubble around the user, which is both annoying and distracting to the person outside your conversation. One study concluded, “cell phone conversations may be a common source of distraction causing negative consequences in workplace environments and other public places.”
So, look up, look alert, and start a friendly conversation with the person next to you. You never know where it might lead.
Tip #2: Always carry a business card.
If you’re job hunting, why not make up a new business card that showcases your expertise? You can pick up 500 business cards at Vista Print for around $10.00. Moo is another easy online design and ordering platform. You could list your contact info on one side, and then add skills to the back. Or, list your contact info with a one-line summary of your expertise, such as, “10 years' experience in graphic design,” and use the back of the card for jotting notes. Also, always carry a copy of your CV, just in case. (For more tips on how to create a winning resume, go here.)
Feel like you've mastered these two tips? Then it's time to get advanced!

Getting the Unlisted Job

Those unlisted or "filled from within" jobs snagged by friends or acquaintances? They're filled by those who happened to make the right connection at the right time. Looking for opportunities like that? Social dynamics can help you make it happen.

The Top 7 Tips for Being a Networking Superstar

  1. Start Conversations
    You may have to step out of your comfort zone, but practice makes it easier. If you’re waiting in a long line, for example, a little friendly small talk with the person next to you may lead to an interesting chat about what you do for a living. Getting into this habit puts you in the path of opportunities you never knew existed.

  2. Help Out
    Volunteer. Be sincere and help for the right reasons, but keep in mind that the more you are out there helping, the more connections you can make just by offering a helping hand.

  3. Focus on Others
    When you are talking with someone, first ask them questions about their job and their needs—and listen. If you can fill their creative staffing needs, then…

  4. Tell a Story 
    Gill Corkindale from the Harvard Business Review recommends having a short “STAR” story to tell. The acronym stands for “Situation, Task, Achievements, Results.” This short (no more than 5 minutes) teaser story should share a brief business Situation where you solved a problem (Task), Achieved the business goal, and got positive Results. So instead of just saying you’re a copywriter, say “I drive traffic to my clients’ websites...”

  5. Have a Business Card
    See our second tip above. It's that important. Carry a few of them everywhere you go. Nothing beats having your contact information and a reminder of your unique value on a compact piece of paper. If possible, get the other person’s card also and write a note on it about what you discussed.

  6. Follow Up
    If you exchanged contact information, use it. Send a quick email or make a short phone call and continue your discussion.

  7. Always Say "Thank You" 
    Whether searching for employment or seeking new clients, always send a personal, friendly thank you note referencing your discussion or interview. This polite, personal touch tells them you are truly interested, and that you are a thoughtful person to work with.

Bonus Tip: Be OUR friend.
Networking starts by connecting with Artisan Talent. Whether you’re a job seeker or an employer searching for talent, take the time to introduce yourself to one of our skilled career specialists. They're great at networking.

That's it! So get out there and be your most friendly, engaging self and land that job.