Your ideal Creative Director needs to work with your copywriters, artists, designers, and sales team in order to implement effective campaigns that reach your target audience in an effective and meaningful way. The right person needs to have innovation, insight, and a strong concept of your brand. But finding this ideal candidate isn't always easy. If you're currently in the hiring process for a Creative Director, here are a few mistakes to avoid.
Not using your job description to streamline your hiring process
You're busy. You need talent, but you don't want to waste time sorting through potential hires who just aren't a good fit. To make this process more efficient, you need to "pre-select" interviewees by describing not only the particular job requirements, but also your ideal hire. Vague job descriptions aren't helpful. Be as specific as possible with the type of personality you're looking for and what's expected of a Creative Director working for you. A potential hire should not only have a clear idea of the job role, but also whether he or she will fit the culture of your company.
Not being efficient with the interview process
You don't want to miss out on connecting with great talent simply because you failed to respect the candidate's time during the interview process. Show that you value a potential hire's time by being efficient and direct. Your company's reputation will thank you for it.
Want to make interviewing even easier? Take it off your plate entirely. Let us do it!
Not going with your gut
The hiring process can be risky in this economic climate, especially when your brand development is on the line. To mitigate this risk, you may be tempted to always go with the "sure" hire--someone with years of experience or the most expansive portfolio, full of high-profile clients. But what if your instinct tells you that it's the slightly less-experienced--but younger and more energetic--person who's right for the job? What if the person with an interesting personal background--perhaps lots of travel, or prior experience at a start-up--seems to be the one that could bring more innovation and ideas to your creative team? Consider all your options, but don't be afraid to trust your intuition, especially when it comes to deciding if a person will mesh well with the rest of your staff.
Make Hiring Easier
Want to make the hiring process even easier? Let us help! To learn how Artisan can help you find the best Creative Director for your company, contact us today.