
How to Spot and Hire Teachable Talent

Written by Artisan | Jul 16, 2024 1:45:00 PM

Why is it so important to hire people who can learn on the job? Is that more important now? Short answer? Because technology and the creative industries themselves are changing rapidly - and at a faster rate than ever. If you're hiring, you need to find people who can adapt quickly and proactively push your company toward those innovations. Plus, these teachable types have qualities that make them easier to work with on teams, making them great long-term employees. So, how do you know which candidate will learn well on the job? We've done this a lot for our clients and know exactly how to identify those teachable types before and during your interviews:

1. A Diverse Portfolio

Avid learners will have a mix of personal pieces and client work that show the breadth of their talents. Some would call these types T-shaped employees, thanks to their breadth of skill in one area and experience across multiple industries. Because of the diversity in their projects, it should be evident how fast they can pick up new software, learn new industries, and enhance their soft skills while working with different teams. Then, in the interview, the candidate shows a willingness to accept constructive feedback and asks for tips on how they can improve. They will be naturally inquisitive about how they can learn to be the type of candidate you’re looking for.

2. Unique Problem-Solving Skills

Most candidates will take an obvious or familiar route while solving problems. But candidates who are great learners ask a ton of questions up front and rely on diverse opinions from their peers and research to make considered and thoughtful decisions. By posing situational questions and asking them to explain their thought process, you'll get insight into whether they can uniquely solve typical issues that come up within your company or industry. Additionally, their portfolio case studies should show you how they think and overcome challenges—especially when it comes to learning on the fly. Specifically, ask candidates in the interview to tell you about a time when they were completely stumped on how to solve an issue. If their answer displays their willingness to think outside the box and learn a new skill, they’re a teachable person at heart.

3. Advancing in Job Titles Over Time

You’ll know a person is naturally inquisitive and can learn on the job if their resume shows they’ve stayed at a company long enough to advance their career over a few years. Showing initiative in learning how to improve and take on more responsibility proves that they can do the same while at your company. During their interview, ask them to discuss how they adapted to their more demanding roles and offer examples of how they overcame challenges when starting in those roles.

4. A Dedication to Collaboration

Teachable people aren’t egotistical rock stars. Their portfolio shows that they have a broad network of collaborators that they credit and trust throughout their work. In interviews, teachable people will speak often of their colleagues, including more junior contributors, and point out times when teamwork was crucial to arrive at the best outcome. Be sure to ask them how they best like to work in teams and notice whether they prioritize great communication and group work over isolated work. Teachable people will also be able to speak to how collaboration is key to their personal success and advancements. 

5. A Keen Interest in Developing Technology

Teachable people are not Luddites. They are willing to try anything once to better understand how and when it can benefit their work. For example, many creative people have turned down the possibility that they would ever use AI, full-stop. Yet teachable people understand there is a time and place for every type of technology and they can pick up these tools when and if needed to improve their output. In interviews, ask candidates for their opinions on emerging technologies, like AI, VR, or any other tools that your company is interested in using. The ones who show excitement and even explain how they are utilizing new tools to improve their work are teachable people. 

Are you looking for teachable, T-shaped creatives for hire? It just so happens we’ve got a list of candidates that fit the bill. Reach out to us today and see how Artisan can help you hire the best of the best for your projects.